[402] Maritime Plastic / 海洋中的塑膠, 2018

2018 Almost half of all plastic production is from Asia. Asian rivers, however, carry almost 90% of worldwide plastic debris into the oceans. Plastics of all sizes can now be found in all oceans and not just floating on the surface. Models have predicted vastly larger prevalence of plastics than can actually be found thus triggering speculation on plastic sinks—either the disappearance as a result of breaking down into nano-particles that would have become absorbed in organic matter or large deposits at greater depth or the ocean floor. Cigarette butts are not biodegradable as they contain plastic as well and account for ¾ of debrisfound on Mediterranean beaches.

亞洲的塑膠產量大約占全球產量的一半,而海洋中 90%的塑膠廢棄物則是由亞洲境內的河川流入大 海。目前在海洋中存在著各種大大小小的塑膠物品,而且不限於只漂浮在海面上。估計海洋中有著 更多沒有被發現的塑膠,也許是因為已經分解成被有機物質所吸收的奈米粒子,或者是已沈入海洋 更深處,甚至是堆積在海床上。菸蒂因為含有塑料,因此無法被生物分解。地中海海灘上的垃圾有 四分之三都是菸蒂。