[322-2] Energy Generation / Consumption, 2016
The breadths of the bars represent the amount of regional energy consumption. From top to bottom the segments show the proportion of renewable, hydro, oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy sources. The vast majority of the world’s energy needs are supplied by gas, coal and oil. (2022: 80% Fossil, 4% Nuclear, 16% Renewables)
Energieerzeugung und Verbrauch
Die Breite der Balken stellt das Volumen des regionalen Energieverbrauchs dar. Von oben nach unten zeigen die Segmente den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien, der Wasserkraft, des Erdöls, des Erdgases, der Kohle und der Kernenergie. Die überwiegende Mehrheit des weltweiten Energiebedarfs wird durch Gas, Kohle und Öl gedeckt.
(2022: 80% Fossile, 4% Atom, 16% Erneuerbare)
[322] Energy Generation / Consumption, 2011
87% of the world energy consumption is generated from fossil fuels (gas, coal, oil). The rest is equally divided between nuclear (6%) and hydro energy (7%). Alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and ocean wave/tidal power account for barely 0.1%. Only in Spain and Germany do these sources supply up to 1% of the total consumption. Breadth of bars indicate regional consumption volume.
Yellow-green: Nuclear - Black: Fossil - Blue: Hydro - Silver line: Alternative.