[319] Submarine Fiber Optic Network, 2011
Since the year 2000, over 80% of international data volume has been transmitted using deep sea cables. Although they are more wiretap proof, they are more susceptible to damage than satellite links. Earth quakes, anchors and even sharks endanger the transfer of data. The breadth of the lines is proportional to the transmission capacity.
Seekabel Netzwerk
Tiefseekabel transportieren seit 2000 über 80% des internationalen Datenvolumens. Die Breite der Verbindungslinien entspricht der Übertragungskapazität. Obwohl Tiefseekabel weniger abhöranfällig sind als Satellitenverbindungen, können sie durch Seebeben, Anker und sogar Haifischattacken beschädigt werden.
[319-2] Submarine Fiber Optic Network, 2008
Since the year 2000, over 80% of international data volume has been transmitted using deep sea cables. Although they are more wiretap proof, they are more susceptible to damage than satellite links. Earth quakes, anchors and even sharks endanger the transfer of data. The breadth of the lines is proportional to the transmission capacity.
[319] Submarine Fiber Optic Network, 2008
Since the year 2000, over 80% of international data volume has been transmitted using deep sea cables. Although they are more wiretap proof, they are more susceptible to damage than satellite links. Earth quakes, anchors and even sharks endanger the transfer of data. The breadth of the lines is proportional to the transmission capacity.