[295-2] IFC vs. FDI Investments / 國際金融公司 vs. 對外直接投資, 2012
Relative Distribution of IFC’s Investments in Client Countries.
IFC’s mission is to stimulate investment and create conditions that are conducive to investment flows into developing countries. As investments in emerging markets have risen substantially in recent years, IFC has increasingly focused on difficult markets where capital still does not flow easily, allocating a higher share if its investments to poorer and riskier countries and regions. Hence IFC’s investments are now significantly more concentrated in those parts of the world than those by other investors. A comparison between IFC investments (red circles) and foreign direct investment (FDI —yellow circles) shows that IFC allocates about three times as much of its overall investments to South Asia as other investors. Specifically, IFC clients in this region received 8.4 percent of IFC’s investments, whereas it received only 2.7 percent of FDI. Similarly, IFC’s investments were about twice as concentrated as FDI in the Middle East and North Africa, and about 1.7 times as much in Sub-Saharan Africa. These three regions feature a relative higher concentration of poorer and riskier countries, and are therefore a priority for IFC.
國際金融公司的宗旨主要是促進資本流向發展中國家,並創造有利於投資的條件。近年來,對於新興市場的投資大幅增加,國際金融公司也越趨關注資本仍不易流動的困難市場,將更多的資金分配給較貧窮與風險較高的國家和地區。因此,與世界其他投資者相比,國際金融公司現在的投資更顯著的是集中在這些地區。從國際金融公司的投資(IFC – 紅點)與對外直接投資(FDI – 黃點)的對比中可發現國際金融公司在南亞的整體投資的分配是其他投資者的三倍之多。國際金融公司在這些區域的客戶更是被分配到該公司8.4%的資本,而僅從對外直接投資取得2.7%。同樣的,國際金融公司在中東以及北非的投資也比對外直接投資高出兩倍,在撒哈拉以南的非洲地區則是多出1.7倍。這三個地區中有較高比例的貧窮與高風險國家,也因此被國際金融公司視為優先重點區域。