[217-8] Jam 2021: 140x Around the World, 2021
If all the cars in the world were placed end to end they would encircle the globe more than 140 times. A spiraling line shows global car volume from the first automobile until today.
Congestion Vehicular
Si todos los autos del mundo estuvieran colocados de punta a punta, rodearían el planeta más de 130 veces. Una línea en espiral muestra el volumen global de automóviles, desde el primer automóvil hasta una proyección del año 2020.
Stau 2021: 140x um die Erde
Alle Autos der Welt, Stosstange an Stosstange, würden den Globus 140 mal umspannen. Eine Spirale zeigt die Verkehrsdichte vom ersten Automobil bis heute.
[217-6] Jam 2015: 125x Around the World, 2015
If all the cars in the world were placed end to end they would encircle the globe over 125 times. A spiraling line shows global car volume from the first automobile to a projected 2020. The top selling cars of all time are shown, aligned with the year they debuted.
[217-5] Jam 2012: 115x Around the World, 2012
If all the cars in the world were placed end to end they would encircle the globe over 115 times.
[217-3] Jam 2000: 72x Around the World, 2004
If all the cars in the world were placed end to end they would encircle the globe over 72 times.