[392-2] Dead Zones

Dead zones (bright areas), or hypoxic areas, are aquatic regions with low oxygen content, primarily due to agricultural nutrient pollution by humans. The oxygen zapping pollutants render these areas unlivable for most of aquatic life.  Hypoxia can be coastal or in major lakes and rivers.

Tote Zonen

Tote Zonen oder hypoxische Gebiete (sog. „umgekippte Gewässer“)sind sauerstoffarme Wasserregionen, die in erster Linie durch den Einsatz agrarwirtschaftlicher Düngemittel entstehen.  Die sauerstoffabsorbierenden Nährstoffe machen die Gebiete für viele Meereslebewesen unbewohnbar. Hypoxie tritt typischerweise in Seen, Flüssen und in Küstengewässern auf.

[392] Dead Zones, 2013

Dead Zones, or hypoxic areas, are aquatic regions with low oxygen content, primarily due to nutrient pollution by humans.  The oxygen zapping pollutants render the areas unlivable for much marine life.  Hypoxia can be coastal, or it can occur in major lakes and rivers due to agricultural pollution, such as fertilizer run-off, and make its way outwards towards coastal ocean waters.